Friday, December 14, 2012

Flashback: 6 weeks, 3 days

I'm still trying to get the time/energy to write my 13 week blog post. Looking like it will happen this weekend since this CT school shooting has me numb. Meanwhile, flash back to week 6 below......


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Took me a little longer this week to muster up the energy to complete this post. Between work and Alice it is really hard to add anything else to my plate, given that my energy level is at about a negative infinity right now. And the fact that I generally want to hurl most of the day.

Also, I thought this would be an easy forum to use to keep up with Alice throughout this pregnancy as well, so I am adding an Alice Anecdote section at the end of each of these weekly posts. :)

Due Date:
June 13-17ish, 2013

Weight Gain: Haven't checked and won't check until my first OB appt November 7th. My normal baseline weight is 130, so I'll assume I'm right around there still.

Symptoms: HOLY FREAKING NAUSEA!!! It has been there pretty much the whole time, but this past week has been the biggest struggle so far. There have been many times I've contemplated just making myself puke so the feeling will go away. Except I don't think that would probably work. I have had to actively suppress my nausea many times, most particularly this very morning when I was brushing my teeth. Gross.

What's different this time: Way more nausea. Boobs aren't sore at all, which I guess can happen, but it's still weird. Way less time for naps and just generally being lazy (AKA none). Thanks, Alice. :)

Cravings: Still enjoying pizza. Fruity ice cream (bought some raspberry sorbet at Target the other day). Sugary candy. I downed 2 mini boxes of Nerds the other day at work and had a reprieve from my nausea for about an hour...but then I had a different kind of upset stomach.

Aversions: Nothing specific, just sometimes the smell of food in general can be a little overpowering for me. Also, I was browning ground beef for dinner last night and I was very "averse" to the act of draining the grease out of the pan.

Sleep: Good. I've been starting the night in the bedroom generally...going to bed between 8 and 9 pm because I literally can't stand being awake any more. I usually wake up between 12 and 1 and move to the guest room because I feel an urge to just sprawl out.

I am loving: God this is hard to answer this week because generally I really, REALLY dislike being pregnant right now. I told Aaron the other day "I am never doing this again". Our plan of 2 and done seems to be solidly intact at the moment. But if I HAVE to answer...I will say mindlessly eating candy and ice cream because I "need" it to feel better.

I miss: Don't miss drinking anymore. I feel nasty enough that even the thought of that grosses me out. I do miss enjoying my coffee. I've noticed my taste for it starting to decline. I still pour a cup every morning but I am actually drinking less and less.

I am looking forward to: Telling a few of my close friends at a kids Halloween party this weekend...though I'm guessing they mostly suspect anyway since I had to cancel on girls dinner a few weeks ago because it was the morning I got my positive test. But come on! They were going out for sushi.

I'm spazzing about: The idea of laundry for 2 kids. Blech.

Best thing about this week: I've been telling Alice for a while that there's a baby in Mommy's tummy and pointing at my belly. She just gives me an odd look, like WTF are you saying crazy lady. I totally didn't expect her to actually grasp the concept, I was more doing it just to be funny or see how she would react. Well last night out of nowhere she pointed at my tummy and said "Baby". And then I asked her to give the baby a kiss and she leaned over and kissed my belly. Melt!

Milestones: The little heart should be beating away by now!

Movement: No.

It's a...: This week I am thinking girl.

Exercise: Like an idiot, I went to a yoga class on Sunday with my old neighbor. WHAT was I THINKING. I haven't done yoga in many months except for an easy peasy class at Lifetime once. I pushed myself through way too many vinyasas and came out with SUPER sore abs and hamstrings still 4 days later. After I got home from class I had to sit there and collect myself for about 15 minutes before I could do anything else. This led to me taking Alice to the McDonald's drive-thru for her very first Happy Meal because all I wanted was a nasty cheeseburger. No more exercise please.

Diet: Fortunately, despite the nausea, I've been able to eat all day long. Sometimes I have to kind of force it but usually I can consume full meals. I'm trying to get veggies where I can, usually in the form of a side salad at lunch at work.

Alice Anecdote: Little Alice has been completely OBSESSED with a couple of little scrapes on her body recently. She will point out her "ows" no less than 30-80 times a day and usually wants a kiss. We always oblige of course, lest we let her suffer alone! Yesterday I went to pick her up from daycare and Tammy told me that Alice has been talking about her ows all day long there too. As she was relaying this, Brogan walked over and pulled Alice's pant leg up to show us her ow on her knee. I laughed so hard. Need attention much, Alice? :) Last night before bed we actually put a bandaid on one of her ows. It was still there this morning and of course the first thing she did was point it out to us.

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