Friday, December 21, 2012

Flashback: 10 weeks, 1 day

Major skip-ahead here since weeks 8-9 were spent feeling pretty gross. My favorite thing about reading back on this time just a month ago, is reading how fun Alice was being. This week has been the biggest test of our parenting skills. The slightest thing will set her off into a crying/whining fit these days. Very thankful for an overnight she will be having with Grandma Kathy tomorrow night. Good luck, Mom!


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

So, obviously I kind of started feeling SUPER sh*tty after my 7 weeks, 2 days post because I didn't find the time to write again until now. In between we had our 8 week OB appt and got good news that the baby was developing right on schedule and everything looked good on the ultrasound. Such a relief! I was 8 weeks 2 days according to my LMP but the baby was measuring 8 weeks 4 days on the ultrasound. They kept my due date at June 17th though because the doc said that your LMP is more accurate than the ultrasound. I still think my suspicions were confirmed that I ovulated early though but I will stick with June 17 as well because then if the baby is late like Alice was, at least it won't feel quite as late!

Due Date: June 17, 2013

Weight Gain: At my OB appt on 11/7 I weighed 128. Going into my pregnancy with Alice I weighed 130 and thought I was at least that this time. Good to know that I'm starting out slightly lower...should make losing the weight afterwards that much easier.

Symptoms: I have spent the past few weeks feeling sooo nauseous for pretty much most of every day. I started taking B6 twice a day around November 10th and that seems to have helped a little. I don't take it every day though. Not sure if that is the idea? I feel worse during the days I'm at work. Probably because I'm less distracted and thus more able to remember how crappy I feel. We went to Iowa to visit friends this past weekend and I didn't take any B6 but we were busy the whole time.

ALSO -- last night I developed a VERY painful, debilitating headache. I hesitate to classify it as a migraine because I've never had one and I've heard they are so bad they can make you physically ill and I didn't throw up or anything. However, it was the worst headache of my life. I got home, changed and prepared dinner and was all set to go to music class with Aaron and Alice until he finally convinced me to just stay home and rest. I felt awful about it because Alice has been SO much fun lately and she was in a wonderful mood last night but I knew Aaron was right and I just needed to chill out. I went upstairs, started to read, and just passed out. I stayed in bed from 6:30 pm to 7:00 am. Still had the headache this morning, but pounding water seems to have helped. It's going away...and of course my nausea is creeping right on back!

What's different this time: WAY more symptomatic. Pretty much whenever I mention that to anyone they declare that I am absolutely having a boy. Whatever.

Cravings: Pizza still, just in general. And then randomly I will crave certain things that pop up. Like right now it's baked Brie because I was just researching Thanksgiving appetizers on Pinterest.

Aversions: Nada.

Sleep: Awake for portions of every night. Maybe I should bite the bullet and just try Unisom.

I am loving: Not much about being pregnant, to tell you the truth. I really don't like being pregnant. Or maybe it's just the 1st and 3rd trimesters. In order to maintain some sense of positivity though...I am loving thinking about providing a sibling for Alice. She is such a sweet, affectionate child. Hopefully that carries over to love for her younger brother/sister.

I miss: Feeling normal.

I am looking forward to: Maternity pants on Thanksgiving. Oh yeah!

I'm spazzing about: Not much. Now that the viability ultrasound is out of the way I feel really relaxed about this pregnancy. I have my 12 week appointment with the Doppler on Monday 12/3 so I feel like that will be a huge milestone to get past as well.

Best thing about this week: Seeing a little baby bump pop out. I'm sure other people think I just look fat but I'm trying to put a positive spin on my fatness and refer to it as "adorable".

Milestones: Baby is the size of a kumquat, whatever that is. Seriously babycenter, try to think of a more obscure reference. Fingernails are forming and limbs are becoming distinct now. The liver is making its own red blood cells so the yolk sac will be disappearing momentarily.

Movement: Too, no.

It's a...: [I'm just going to get rid of this one from now on, until our anatomy ultrasound in late January.]

Exercise: Yesterday I had to park across the street as our employee lot was full. That was a major undertaking. You should've seen the boots I was wearing too!

Diet: Whatever sounds good. I am trying to make an effort to avoid fried food as much as possible because that was just not agreeing with me for quite a while. I still eat some, but probably less than I normally would. Trying to eat a few veggies here and there but really I am craving carbs. I also started raiding the work cafeteria for a bowl of cereal around 4 pm each day. Seems to get me through from the afternoon hunger period to whenever I eat dinner.

Alice Anecdote: She is just flat out amazing lately. She is growing up so quickly and mimicking our actions to no end. She will even request a square of toilet paper when she "goes potty", wipe her butt with it, and put it in her potty and close the lid. Ha! Speaking of butt, she knows that word. She slipped and fell over the weekend (on her butt) and she kept saying "butt" and pointing at her rear end.

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