Here comes the first installment of my Flashback posts from early pregnancy. So funny to look back on how bitter I was about not being able to drink. Fortunately, that has passed. Sure I would love to have some beer or wine but I do remember just how pissed I was at first about it. Not that upset anymore!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Due Date: June 17, 2013 based on LMP; closer to June 13, 2013 based on when I think I actually ovulated.
Weight Gain: It feels like I've been gaining even in the short time since I found out I was pregnant but I'm sure it's just bloating. But still - my pants feel tight!
Symptoms: Queasy, especially in the mid-to-late-afternoon. I first noticed this symptom on October 2nd driving home from work. It felt the same exact way as it did with Alice. Slightly fatigued. No sore boobs yet, but they already seem bigger. I've been generally crampy, though nothing painful. I'm also almost positive that I felt implantation this time because I got really crampy for about an hour or so one day.
What's different this time: (Fingers crossed) - it was SO easy to get pregnant this time around. I didn't even think I really timed it correctly but I must've known subconsciously I was going to ovulate early. It's still pretty much a shock. It was a shock the first time around but I remember more of a sense of relief. This time...just shock.
Cravings: No real cravings, per se, but I definitely desire foods that I know will help settle my stomach, like pretzels and crackers and ginger ale.
Aversions: None.
Sleep: Pretty much OK. I've been tending to wake up once at night and then have a hard time falling back asleep but I did that before I was pregnant too. I am trying to sleep on my stomach for as long as I can because I know I will greatly miss that.
I am loving: Not having to change the cat litter (as if I did anyways)
I miss: Drinking. Really, really miss it. Especially beer. I never indulged in N/A the first time around but since Alice was born my taste for beer has really grown so I might have to stock up this time.
I am looking forward to: November 7 - our ultrasound appointment - so I can get confirmation that everything is OK in there.
I'm spazzing about: November 7 seems like a really long ways away right now! (29 days).
Best thing about this week: Feeling less guilty about relaxing on the couch after Alice goes to bed, while Aaron does more of the housework. I am surprised (pleasantly, really) at how symptomatic I already feel this time around. With my first pg, which ended in mc, I never felt many symptoms. With Alice I didn't feel any until around 5 weeks. This time they started around 3-3.5 weeks. I figure that can only be a good thing in terms of viability.
Milestones: Organs are beginning to develop -- even though baby is merely the size of a poppy seed!
Movement: Frequent bowel movements. Is that what they meant?
It's a...: I keep referring to Alice's "baby brother". Mostly to be funny but I might be starting to believe it?
Exercise: Nope. I would like to get to yoga more. Wouldn't we all.
Diet: Trying to be more well-rounded. I'm fortunate that we have an extensive menu available for free to us at work for breakfast and lunch. I've been eating eggs and grits in the morning instead of my usual muffin. Can't give up coffee, but am trying to cut down. Only drinking about 1/2 cup in the mornings. I drank a couple diet cokes in the afternoons on the weekends too, because being prego with a toddler all day wears me out!!
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