I've known that I'm pregnant for about 4.5 months now. We got our positive test on September 8th, 2010. My period was due that day so I was sort of planning to test the following morning if it didn't arrive. On my way home from work that day I was craving McDonald's hamburgers which I don't eat very much normally, thank god. I gave in to my craving, swung through the drive-thru and ordered 2 hamburgers and fries, went home and chowed down, and then promptly fell asleep on the couch. Could not keep my eyes open. Aaron got home from work later that night and politely suggested that I take a test that night since I was exhibiting pretty obvious preggo behavior. I obliged - and that beautiful pink line showed up RIGHT AWAY, dark and bold and unimstakeable. I'm trying to remember our reactions. I'm pretty sure we high-fived in the bathroom or something. :)
We didn't have the easiest path to pregnancy but we didn't have the most difficult one either. We had a miscarriage in April, 2010 after going in for an ultrasound at 10 weeks only to see an empty black sac on the screen...no baby. I had a few friends that had miscarried before and of course when I heard their news at the time I was sad for them, but until it happened to us I never realized just how truly awful of an experience that loss really is. I just remember not knowing what to do with myself now that I wasn't pregnant anymore - I had identified with that label for 6 weeks and was growing used to the idea.
I don't want to dwell on the miscarriage in this post too much. The bottom line is that we got pregnant on the 3rd try the first time and on the 4th try the second time. We feel very fortunate to have had that level of success so quickly.
I'm going to consider this a kind of intro post and get into more detail on various topics in future posts. For now though, the basics:
- I am almost 24 weeks pregnant with a baby girl due around May 18, 2011.
- Being pregnant is OK, but I am definitely not one of those moms that is "in love" with this experience. I just want to meet my baby already.
- I had pretty decent nausea from about Week 5 to Week 11. It didn't suddenly stop like you hear about so often, but it gradually faded over probably a week or so. I never threw up but I felt like it a lot. My worst symptom was probably the fatigue. SO tired. ALL the time.
- My boobs are ginormous and I am afraid of them and how much bigger they will get. I can't wait for my belly to get bigger and bigger so I will look more proportional.
- I am hungry all the time. My funniest craving so far has been blueberry frozen waffles. Any time there are food commercials on TV I almost always comment "Wow that looks good". I will eat anything right now, not very picky.
- We are keeping our baby's name a secret until she is born but she does have a name and my husband & I call her by her name all the time.
I am very in love with this baby and can't wait to meet her!!
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