Saturday, January 29, 2011

Getting ready for a GIRL!

I can honestly say I had no preference what gender this baby was going to be, especially after my miscarriage.  All I ever wanted and still want is for the baby to have all its working parts and to be healthy and happy.  Aaron and I both knew that we wanted to find out the gender at the 20-week anatomy scan, mostly because I am a planner and Aaron is terrible with surprises (we almost always have to open Christmas gifts a few days before...the anticipation just kills him).

When we went in to find out the gender we were both staring intently as the tech moved the little wand all over my belly.  I had seen several ultrasound photos of my friends' babies so I kind of knew what I was looking for.  I saw it before the tech said anything - the 3 little white lines instead of a kickstand.  Aaron wasn't so ultrasound-savvy so he was staring at my eyes welling up with tears like "WHAT?! Tell me what you know!"

I was probably most excited to share the news with the grandmas.  There are no girls on Aaron's side (he only has brothers and nephews).  My mom has five grandsons on my stepdad's side - no girls.  Suffice it to say this little girl is going to be super girly whether she likes it or not.  The clothes are just too irresistible.  Case in point, the gifts we just received from my stepmom and youngest sister:

How cute are these shoes?  She is going to look so sassy at Vikings games whenever she can fit into these.

We also received a little tutu!  No words.

Karma is SO not girly.  She is much more interested in chewing up her rubber duck.

She will win over her daddy's heart when she wears this one at TCF this fall. So cute!!!

Our next step is to figure out how to decorate her room.  We bought a painting from her auntie Cambria to hang in the nursery.  It's a circus elephant so we're thinking a circus animal theme or something like that.  I'll post pictures as the room is in production...probably sometime in the next month or two.

1 comment:

  1. Omg! I'm so excited for you guys! A little Cute attire :) Looking forward to finding out as well. Talk to you soon. Congrats!
